Newcastle-under-Lyme BID

Newcastle-under-Lyme BID


Would you like to become a member of Newcastle Under Lyme BID and have a say in the Regeneration of Newcastle Under Lyme Town Centre?

You are invited to become a member of the Newcastle-under-Lyme BID, the registered company limited by guarantee, which is charged with the responsibility for delivering the Business Improvement District Plan.

Membership of Newcastle-under-Lyme BID is open and free to all Newcastle-under-Lyme Business Improvement District levy payers and offers you the opportunity to vote on all BID Company issues arising at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).


Who is entitled to become a BID member?

Only representatives from businesses in the Newcastle-under-Lyme BID area who are BID levy payers.

What does it mean to be a BID member?

Only registered members of Newcastle-under-Lyme BID (individuals representing a business levy payer) are entitled to attend AGMs and any other “members only” meetings. Each business is entitled to one member and one vote on matters affecting the BID on behalf of your business.

What is the difference between a levy payer and a BID member?

A levy payer is a person/business who has a hereditament (a property or part of a property that has a Rateable Value) in the BID area which meets the conditions in the levy criteria to pay a BID levy.

A BID member is a member of the company. Any levy payer can apply to become a member and thus vote at the AGM (as long as they are fully paid up). The Board can also choose to also accept membership requests from voluntary members (a person who wishes to support the BID but is not a levy payer).

To become a member please complete the below form.

Become a BID Member


Other ways to become involved

Being a member of Newcastle-under-Lyme BID is not the only way to become involved in the BID. The BID actively encourages as many Newcastle-under-Lyme businesses as possible to get involved and influence the way in which the BID business plan is implemented by being a part of one of the working groups that cover the main project areas, or by contacting the Newcastle-under-Lyme BID Project Manager to offer your ideas and input.

Keeping in touch

We make every effort to keep you informed and up to date on matters affecting the Newcastle-under-Lyme and the work of the BID including the quarterly newsletters, weekly e-Bulletins, Twitter and Facebook groups and regular visits from our Rangers. If you are not receiving information and would like to, please contact the Newcastle-under-Lyme BID Office on the details below. 


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